The diversity of spirits is enormous. Besides all kinds of different basic ingredients and production methods, you also have numerous brands. Many spirits are industrial and trendy, but you should also try the many products that are made with craftsmanship and a lot of passion. It is a world in itself. 

Who’s it for?

  • Individuals who work with spirits and need to understand the basics of the extensive range of spirits.
  • Companies that offer a portfolio of spirits and want to learn the basics about spirits styles and production methods in addition to their own brands.
  • For those who wish to include a range of spirits in their range.

What’s covered?

  • Spirits production methods and how they affect style and quality
  • The characteristics of the main styles of spirits and liqueurs
  • The major global spirits brands
  • How to serve and taste spirits
  • How to describe spirits using the WSET Level 2 Systematic Approach to tasting Spirtis (SAT®)

Exam WSET Level 2 in Spirits

  • This course ends with a 50-question multiple-choice exam.
  • Those achieving 55% or more will receive the WSET® Level 2 in Spirits Certificate and lapel pin.
  • The exam is offered on a 2-monthly basis at the location in Antwerp.

How does the online course work?

  • Based around a five-week, six module online learning programme with educator support available for this time.
  • The modules should be followed in sequential order during this 5-week window.
  • The course material should take about 30 hours in total to complete, plus revision time.
  • Regular access and participation in the course online activities is essential for success.
  • You can contact the educator any time for the duration of the scheduled course.
  • Each module includes a series of independent activities to help you understand the topics.
  • Tasting:
    • You will be advised to taste a range of spirits during this study.
    • Spirits are not included in the online course fee.
    • All the required spirits for the course can be found in the Specification (see PDF in right-hand column).
    • Students can post their tasting notes in the WSET Online classroom for review by the educator.

How does the classroom course work?

  • For WSET L2 Spirits, we choose as locations companies where the student can also experience the production process during the course.
  • Classes are always taught in English. The exam is also in English as standard.
    On request, you can take the exam in French. Please put this in the comments box when registering.
  • You follow 5 sessions of 3h on location where all key-spirits are sampled and checked in an educational way whether you have understood the theory well.
  • It is important that you set aside at least 2h per week to prepare and repeat.
  • We see very good results with this way of working, but it is important that you also do the activities at home otherwise you will not understand the tasting sessions as well.
  • Tasting:
    At least 30 spirits are tasted during the lessons to test theory against practice.
    These are included in the course fee.


  • Online:
    • WSET online accredited educator, at least WSET Level 3 Spirits qualified.
  • Classroom (In-company):
    • François Pirson – WSET Level 3 Spirits

Your investment

Prices inclusive 21% VAT

  • Online: € 510
  • Classroom: € 710
  • In-company – price on demand
  • Re-sit exam: € 175 (registration at least one month before exam date)
  • Extra cost for re-mote exam: € 75