Below we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If you don’t find the answer to your question here, ask your question via the “contact page” and we will answer you as soon as possible.
Below we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If you don’t find the answer to your question here, ask your question via the “contact page” and we will answer you as soon as possible.
From an organizational point of view, we cannot allow you to change location just because you missed a lesson.
You can find the key wines of the different sessions on the WineWise LifeLong Learning platform. This way you can study the missed material in self-study.
For all Level 1 courses, the glassware is provided by WineWise.
Those who follow a classroom or blended course (L2, L3, L4) receive a set of 6 test glasses with spittoon in the first lesson.
At the end of the lesson, take this box home with you. You are responsible for bringing these clean again to the next lesson.
The online courses are structured and interactive learning programs that can be found on the WSET Online Classroom. This is an e-learning platform that offers a wide range of learning materials and activities that will prepare you to obtain your WSET certificate. Videos, quizzes, games and tastings will keep you entertained throughout the course, while student forums connect you with your classmates so you can share your experiences.
Feel free to take a look at the DEMO page where you can see for yourself whether this method of studying is something for you.
All WSET online courses are available in English only.
For each WSET course (L1, L2, L3) you apply for, a “possible” exam date is given.
This is the first possible date that you can attend.
ATTENTION, you are not automatically registered for the exam. You will receive a link after the start of the course to register for the date/location of your choice. If the group is full, this will also be mentioned on the overview.
Always check your calendar first, also with your family members and employer, because once you have registered you cannot change this date free of charge.
It is the course participant’s own responsibility to arrange this exam registration in time.
Once we have registered with WSET London (one month before the exam), you cannot move or cancel. If you are ill on the day of the exam, you can only submit a request for relocation to a later date with a doctor’s certificate.
A NO SHOW, without a doctor’s certificate, means that you will have to pay for the exam again if you still wish to participate at a later date.
Under no circumstances can anyone take a WSET exam without having completed a course. If you have followed the course with another APP, you can take the exam at WineWise upon presentation of proof of participation (
Once you have decided which course you wish to follow, you can find an overview of the scheduled courses on the relevant training page.
Please respect the registration deadline. For the classical and blended courses, it will be indicated once the course is full.
For the classroom and blended courses, a minimum number of participants is required to start and there is also a maximum number of places available. Once the course is full, this will be indicated in the overview. Be quick is the message here :-).
You can register for the online courses until the specified deadline. There is no minimum number of participants required to start, the course always goes ahead with certainty. There is also no limit to the number of participants.
The courses offered by WineWise are professional courses. We insist that you spit out all the wines. Each participant has their own spittoon for this. Research has shown that if you spit out all the wines, the amount of alcohol you ingest is negligible. If we notice that you do not comply with this, the teacher has the right to point this out and, if necessary, to refuse you access to the next lesson.
All WineWise students, from WSET Level 2 courses, will have access to the WineWise LifeLong learning platform. Depending on the course you follow, you will have access to e-learning modules, quizzes and/or groups to get in touch with other students.
We recommend that you log in the first time via your computer, after which you can use an app so that you can also consult the information via your mobile phone or tablet.